Sunday, December 3, 2006

Like, what?

Know what sucks? Actually, I should ask, know who should be shot? People, especially girls, who say "like" repeatedly in a sentence. First, I must clarify what constitutes the right way of sayng "like" and that is when stating similarities, such as; "He looked like a drag queen." That is acceptable...but I think everyone knows what I mean by the unacceptable way to say "like". I'm talking about using the word at least six times in a sentence. Among people like this, I have seen those who use the word right before a pause to indicate that they're thinking of an appropriate word to explain themselves, such as: "So when I went to go see him, he was like...kind of distraught over the situation" and then there are the people who should be thrown into a school in London to re-learn the English language..people who speak like this: "And like when I asked him like why he said all those things about me, like all he could do was look away from me and I was like, 'Joe why did you tell everybody that if like you didn't even know what what you were talking like." I'm not thinking of only myself when i say that hearing people speak like this is irritating, I'm also concerned for them as people because they sound completely uneducated and are diminishing their chances of gaining respect as adults. Who wants to hire someone in public relations who says, "and like what we're planning to do is kind of like create a place where like people can totally unwind.." God, shut up...

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