Thursday, October 19, 2006


Know what sucks? People who have staring problems...obvious ones. These are people who are simply bad at being people. "Losers at the game of life." What kind of people raised them and told them that it's okay for a 45-year-old man to straight-up check out a 12-year-old girl? Those people should be shot as well. I had an experience like this myself when I was about 13 or 14. I was standing on the bus going home and noticed a man staring at me. He wasn't sitting with his body facing my direction so when he veered his head around completely to look at me, it was oncomfortably obvious. And since it isn't bad enough to stare at a girl thats about 1/3 of your age, I got an extra treat. I had the pleasure of seeing him check me out and shoot me some I'm-a-psychopath-serial-rapist smile. It's slightly comforting to know that not everyone is a freak in this world. I was lucky to have a cute boy notice what was going on. I know this because he kept looking back and forth between myself and psycho. Once he caught on, he moved so that where he stood blocked the man's view of me.

I still think that all the freaks in this world outweigh the people who are sane by my standards.

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