Thursday, November 16, 2006

Sunday walkers

Know what sucks? When you need to get somewhere in a hurry and always find yourself behind someone travelling incredibly slowly. Either I'm ALWAYS following slow people or I just never notice it when I'm not in a hurry. But I think people can tell when I need to get somewhere fast. It never happens when you have three hours to kill. But it always happens when you have three minutes to get to your next class and you're not even in the right building. What really pisses me off though is how slow walkers feel the need to spread out as they venture through the halls. They always walk side-by-side, at least four of them together, ensureing that no matter how incredibly thin you are, you don't have a chance in hell to squeeze between. I swear, school hallways should be divided into lanes, even if only two. One lane for the painfully slow, and one lane for people like me who have 1 minute to jet to class. Also, to help enforce the rules, the Vanier College security guards shoud act as police and put letters in the files of students caught walking too slowly in the fast lane.

Just a thought...

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